Minutes of Meeting on August 13, 2008

Goal: 3-5 miles of new trails per year.
Trails in process this year: 6.5 miles (Roche Harbor Resort trail) and 0.17 miles (Cattle Point Rd. trail).

The meeting was called to order at 5:01 pm by David Dehlendorf, vice chair, substituting for Don Jarrell, chair, who was absent.

1. Introductions: Mike Buettell, Sue Buettell, Kyle Davies, David Dehlendorf, Susie Dehlendorf, Rick Exstrom, Glen Garrett, Eleanor Hartman, Mike Lazzari, Louisa Nishitani, Cinda Pierce, Mark Pierce, Tracy Roberson, Jamie Rachley-Schiff, Lee Schiff, Maria Small, and Steve Ulvi.

2. Minutes approval
Susie Dehlendorf moved to approve the minutes of our last meeting on July 9, 2008. The motion was seconded by Mike Buettell. All approved.

3. Volunteer hours update
Attendees were asked to record only time worked outside of work parties on the meeting sign in sheet.

4. Land Bank Work Parties
The August 14 work party has been cancelled because of the County Fair and will resume on August 21 at 5 pm. Several trails committee members have participated in previous work parties. After the next work party, there will be a celebration get together for the volunteers.

5. Candidates for Trails Committee Office for 2009 (Starts October 1)

Sue Buettell and Cinda Pierce have volunteered to share the secretarial position.

David Dehlendorf has volunteered to be the chairperson.

Cinda Pierce has volunteered to serve as vice chairperson.

Other nominees were encouraged. Anyone wishing to volunteer or to nominate an individual should contact Don Jarrell.

Voting will take place at our next monthly meeting on September 10. All Trails Committee members are encouraged to attend and vote.

6. Safe Routes to School /Walking School Bus/New Trail In Town
Tracy Roberson shared the progress on this grant supported project. Parents of school aged children, Mark Islam and Susan Williamson, are spearheading this project. The first event is a “Walking School Bus” which is where adults are stationed at locations along the school walking routes, meet elementary students, and escort them in stages to school. Awareness will be raised about safety issues of walking and, hopefully, increase the number of students walking to school. This could relate to the Trails Committee as it might raise the need to create additional trails (i.e.: Jackson Beach to the elementary school and the possible new trail connection described below). There will be a booth at the Transportation Summit to increase awareness and get more people involved. A town map was shared showing the walking paths. The green route is the one that all others feed into, with the most remote trail being in the Foxhall area. There were “x” marks which are starting points or drop off points where parents can drop off students to begin the walk. There are many areas where there are no sidewalks and no crossing marks. There will be parents there with flags, crossing guards, and perhaps signage or balloons to assist with safety. To meet the program expectations, there needs to be a published schedule. Susan Williamson serves on the PTA and is going to make a presentation to parents to get the program started with additional volunteers.

Amy Windrope, the head of the San Juan Initiative, who lives on Friday Ave. between Tucker and the water, has shared with David Dehlendorf her idea of building a short trail connection down the slope to the north on a property owned by the Town of Friday Harbor located between the Community Theater and Tucker Ave. The trail would go north down the slope to McDonald St., perhaps with a connection to Friday Harbor Labs. This would get people off Tucker, but would require a steep trail down the slope. King Fitch has given his approval in principle to locating a trail on the town’s property. Now we need to design the trail and go back to the town to get formal approval. Steve Ulvi and Doug McCutchen will meet out there soon to help design the trail and to develop a work plan.

7. 2008 Hunting Season
In view of the recent death of a hiker shot by a bear hunter in the north Cascades, this has become a concern for users of the Roche Harbor Resort trails network, as the resort allows hunting during the fall hunting season. Based on State law, the bow hunting season begins there on September 1 and other seasons continue through December 31. David Dehlendorf has spoken with Roche Harbor Resort about how to communicate with the approximately 20 individuals who usually receive written permission (state law) from the resort to hunt there. These hunters are given a map as to where they can hunt. A possible solution is to make users of the trails aware of the hunting season and hunters aware of the hikers and other users. We need a volunteer to meet with Pat Sandwith, a long-time islander and resort employee, with permission to hunt, who has volunteered to meet with the Trails Committee to discuss the hunting activities. He is willing to communicate with the other hunters about hikers using the area. Lines of communication have been opened. We are part of the Parks Board and need to communicate with the County as well regarding this issue. Kyle Davies, who is on the Parks Commission, will talk with Dona Wuthnow regarding County Parks’ position on this issue.

No hunting is allowed in the Roche Harbor Highlands area to the south. But there is hunting on the DNR’s Mitchell Hill property, as by policy DNR allows hunting (public access) around the entire state and they do not give or require written permission.

8. Transportation Summit
Liz Illg is organizing the summit scheduled for September 17 at the fair grounds. Liz is looking for volunteers for registration, clean-up, etc. The purpose of the event is to get the community involved in transportation issues including walking, biking, vans/busses, and getting to and from the island. There will be various sessions: car-free travel, community transportation, passengers ferries, tourism transportation management, and inter-island and regional freight mobility. The Summit is open for folks to learn about the issues and to discuss solutions to challenges.

9. Joint Hike with Orcas Pathways
Alice Hurd was not present to discuss this agenda item.

10. Progress Report: Cattle Point Road Trail
All the property owners have received the packet of information regarding the project and the request for trail easements. There will be continued meetings regarding the project. The first easement is still with the Land Bank and they will move it through the process so that it can be used as a model. For the United Way Day of Caring on September 24, a trail segment will be created on the Land Bank property between Rosler Rd. and American Camp. United Way is recruiting volunteers for this project.

11. Progress Report: Roche Harbor Trail project
The pipe has been buried this week that will drain the runoff from the airstrip that inundated the airport trail and the trail along Roche Harbor Road last winter. Sue Buettell gave a report on the vision for the stewardship program for the Roche Harbor Trails to maintain the trails which will be shared at the first organizational meeting on September 4.

12. Progress Report Park to Park Trail Project on West Side Road
The County Council recently approved Public Works six-year transportation plan which includes several projects involving trails on San Juan island. One project is $50,000 for the Park to Park Trail and another is $50,000 for the Pipeline Trail across San Juan Valley. Timing and use of the corresponding expenditures is to be determined.

13. Bicycle Corner
Tracy Roberson is looking for more advocates for this program. Concern was raised about the visitors on the island and the lack of information available for them as to safety issues and location of trails. Tracy Roberson will have additional conversations with Public Works about this issue.

14. Land Bank Meeting Friday
The Land Bank will discuss the possible purchase of two, 40-acre parcels on San Juan Valley
Rd. at its Commission meeting on Friday. If they purchase the properties, possible trail easements would be considered. These properties are part of the 180 acres of the Sundstrom property, some of which is for sale. There is frontage along San Juan Valley Road that could possibly be part of a longer trail across the valley. Discussions with the Land Bank will continue.

15. Trail Building Tools
Mark Pierce has two types of tools to be purchased for trail work. One is a Rogue hoe at $30; the other is a large Lamberton rake at $62. Both are heavy duty tools used for fire fighting activities.

16. Other Items
Kyle Davies asked if anyone had discussion items that should be brought to the attention of the San Juan County Parks Commission. No one responded. Kyle is on the Parks Commission and is its liaison with the Trails Committee. He would like to make a presentation to the Trails Committee at a winter meeting regarding County Parks’ focus.

Meeting concluded at: 6:28 pm

Important Dates:
Next Steering Committee: September 2 at 4 pm at the library.
Next regular monthly meeting: September 10 at 5 pm at Whidbey Island Bank
Land Bank trails building work parties: At West Scenic Preserve every Thursday starting at 5 pm from August 21 until further notice.

Volunteer Hours Reported: 60
Mike Buettell 19
Sue Buettell 7
Kyle Davies 2
David Dehlendorf 15
Louise Nishitani 12
Cinda Pierce 2
Mark Pierce 3

Work Party Hours Reported: 25
August 12, 2008 25

Total Volunteer Hours Reported: 85

Respectfully submitted,
Sue Buettell